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Selamat Datang di Dinesti Islamic Bina Insani School
Kami sampaikan terima kasih atas kepercayaan Bapak/lbu calon orang tua peserta didik dalam memilih Dinesti Islamic Bina Insani School sebagai tujuan pendidikan putra/i Bapak/lbu sekalian. Kami akan terus konsisten dalam menjaga kepercayaan ini agar Dinesti Islamic Bina Insani School tetap menjadi Lembaga pendidikan nomor satu pilihan Bapak/lbu.
Info Terbaru
SMA Bait Al-Quran
Thousands of teenagers across the US will have school lessons.
SMP Bait Al-Quran
Thousands of teenagers across the US will have school lessons.
SMP Islam Bina Insani
Thousands of teenagers across the US will have school lessons.
TK Islam Al-Azhar
Thousands of teenagers across the US will have school lessons.
SD Islam Bina Insani
Thousands of teenagers across the US will have school lessons.